Gossie Gang (Meeka, King Bill, Bubbles and Jasper)

We are five amazing cats!

We are called the Gossie Gang because we live in Gosnells Western Australia. Our names Old boy Meeka (19yrs old and blind) King Bill (because hes very very big!) Mummy Jasper (because she is the mummy figure) And Bubbles ( The baby and last to enter the gang) Bubbles has now left us for rainbow bridge, but always a gang member in our hearts and in spirit. We also have a foster brother called Tiger.Who is now a gang member since the page has started. We loves our newest adopted brother. Our human mummy and daddy love us very much. We rule the house and all has to be ok by us before it can happen. Join us on our adventures, we love to make new friends <3
If you don't like the page, its okay, just unlike the page leave quietly. We won't lose sleep over it. We believe we are speaking english (And remember we are AUSTRALIAN so yes we speak english but some words are spelt differently eg mummy / mommy) We don't speak in baby language. Or it would be "Goo Goo Gaa Gaa" MOL! Life is short, we are sharing our adventures as a gang of cats. Its a fun , loving page. A love of cats, animals , food and music. Nothing deep meaningful intellectual. Just a page of FUN! Just letting everyone know what the page is about. .......Loves you all Gossie Gang and mummy ♥

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